Blue bell time Kew Gardens, by Frank Newbould, 1922

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cm white mount - acid free, smooth white mount board with a white core

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The armchair is 58cm wide

Please note A reference code is printed on all unframed prints.The font is approximately 2mm tall and sits approximately 4mm from the bottom edge of the paper in the bottom right hand corner.
‘Bluebell Time Kew Gardens’ by Frank Newbould, was published in 1922 for the Underground Electric Railways Company Ltd. This lovely spring time poster encourages Londoners to use the parks and gardens in London throughout the year and incorporates a verse written by Jesse Pope: ‘In every wood a misty sheen Tassels the trees with tender green. Spring lures us forth from town, to wade Through bluebell drifts that paint the glade. This poster sits well with another springtime artwork ‘Crocus Time by Herry Perry (1931). Frank Newbould was born in Bradford in 1887 and studied at the Braford College of Art and the Camberwell School of Art. As well as working for London Transport he designed many posters which promoted travel for the; London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Great Western Railway (GWR), Orient Shipping Line and the Belgian Railways. During the second World War he worked for the War Office where he was an assistant to Abram Games. During this period, he designed the series of posters with the well-known slogan ‘Your Britain: fight for it now’.
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